ED’s FUNCADE on 23rd Ave
North Wildwood
Don’t settle for only 1 arcade.. Play at either or both Ed’s Funcade’s.
You will have double the fun, playing different games, at either Wildwood boardwalk location. Redeem your winnings for twice the prizes, with a different selection at each location. We are player rated “#1 BEST ARCADE VALUE,” bring your family to both Ed’s Funcade locations. Our Free PLAYcard will save you up to 50% off the normal arcade cash price to play. Play games with coin, cash, or PLAYcard! Credit or Debit & cash accepted.
Questions? Feel free to Text Ed at 609-435-3017.
Locations: 3700 Boardwalk @ Lincoln ave or 2216 Boardwalk @ 23rd ave. Wildwood, NJ 08260. OPEN Easter thru Columbus weekends every summer.
2216 Boardwalk @ 23rd ave.
North Wildwood,
New Jersey 08260
ArcadesRainy Day Activities
Credit Cards Accepted
Handicapped Accessible