An oversized fire hydrant statue towers over the Wildwood Dog Park.

Wildwood Dog Park & Beach


Dogs visiting the Wildwoods area are welcome to join their families on the beach to swim in the ocean or visit the dog park. The Wildwood Dog Park & Beach is located between Glenwood and Maple Avenues. The dog park is open daily, and the dog beach is open from dawn to dusk. Use caution and only swim when a lifeguard is present. All rules for the Wildwood Dog Park & Beach are posted at entry and must be followed. Fresh water and clean up bags are available on site. Dogs on the beach must remain leashed, and leashes in the park are optional. Entry to the Wildwood Dog Park & Beach is at the owners risk, please be cautious and courteous to all dogs and visitors.

Glenwood Avenue & The Beach
Wildwood, NJ 08260

(609) 522-2444

Open Year Round

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